October 21, 2013

Knitting Spaces

Everyone has their nook, their favorite workspace. In my dreams my workspace is a comfy armchair in an open, clean room where I can knit whenever I want. Maybe with a wall of color coded yarn behind me, and a cup of cocoa or tea nearby. In reality, my knitting space is almost always my dining area, after work. The drink nearby is more often a glass of wine than tea (no complaints there). It's not an open space because we rent a pretty tiny house, but I can see the oak forest through the window. Sure, the screen is pretty grimy but the orangey-yellow leaves are still pretty. I can't seem to knit without something else going on in the background, so my laptop is almost always open and playing a movie or TV show. Having a device play a movie, and actually watching a movie are two different things. I'm surprised I haven't worn out my Harry Potter and Grimm Season 1 DVDs because my laptop has run through those discs way more than I've actually watched them. Fact: Hermione is awesome and Monroe has some great sweaters.

My knitting tree
But, every once in a while, when it's not too cold or too hot or too damp, I get to knit outside! No background movie needed. When I have the chance, my yard is my favorite knitting spot. Especially during fall.  I live on a small, woody mountain so there's always something to explore when I look up from my knitting. There's a (half-dead) tree in my yard perfect for leaning up against, and an especially soft, grassy patch perfect for sitting. You can sit and knit for hours. It's worth getting freaked out once in a while because an odd bug mistook you for the tree and started crawling around on you. You look up and there's trees in every direction, a small wood pile here, the garden plot there (or what's left of it), and the green mountain to your right. It's pretty sweet.

My mountain! Yes, it's mine. Don't litter on it. 
So, inconclusion: yes, I'm still renting, no I don't own a TV, yes I know too much about Harry Potter, and no I would never color code anything. I'm not that organized. Welcome to the life of a 20-something. But so far I've been very lucky. Where's your favorite place to knit?

Wood pile, and lovely maple(?)


  1. With my Great Dane stretched out his entire length, paws hanging over one end of the sofa and his head tucked under my thigh, I cram into less than 1 cushion on the sofa. Yes, he likes to tuck under my legs to shield his sleeping eyes from the overhead light - I do put my foot down about lighting, even if he is just the sweetest thing without enough light I can't read/ write what I'm doing. With the beautiful fall leaves outside and a fire crackling in the fireplace, and a movie on the TV, time flies by in my favorite place to knit.
    Puddles and I live in the mountains too, so if it is cold enough, I'll wrap up in a blanket and take my knitting outside. I have a Great Dane lap warmer and more than freak out if a bug confuses me for a tree, so I wait until it is cold out, really cold out :-). Stary winter nights with touches of snow on the trees and ground, also make for perfect outdoor knitting weather. But then I tend to bring a hot chocolate too, so not much knitting gets done.

  2. That sounds amazing! I'm pretty jealous of your Great Dane, he sounds adorable. I hate cold, slightly more than bugs, so I'm stuck inside knitting in the winter since I don't have an amazing dog to snuggle with. But we do have a wood stove so that helps a little. Sitting out in the snow with hot cocoa sounds nice, you paint a pleasant picture of winter :)

  3. My favourite place is on the balcony of our flat. It’s a large, comfortable space – typically Spanish with white walls and a ceramic tiled floor and it’s a wonderful place to knit any time of year.

    In the summer I can sit in the shade that our awnings provide, feel the wonderful breezes, hear the birds chirping nearby and all of that with the best view ever over the Mediterranean Sea.

    In the winter we completely enclose the balcony with glass panes, side by each and with that we’re nicely protected from the cooler temperatures and heavy rains. During a winter rainfall, I love curling up there with a hot cup of tea and my knitting, while watching storms pass by over the horizon, slowly making their way across the city and the sea.

  4. My favourite place is my bed. Cushy pillows all around with my Gramma's crocheted blanket I got for Christmas one year. In the summer I like to sit in the swing by the pool. I try not to fall asleep as it rocks back and forth. :)

  5. These all sound amazing: balcony in Spain, Great Dane lap warmer, swinging by the pool. You're all making me jealous!

  6. This is so nice! I would love to have a quiet space outside to knit!
    A warm blanket around my shoulders, a delicious cup of tea/coffee, and some squishy yarn to keep me company. That sounds like a perfect day :)
